About Shades of Gray

The lyrics for “Shades of Gray” were written to promote understanding of the complex characteristics involved with the diagnosis of autism and also to recognize our obligation to develop an active role in the lives of individuals with autism. Acknowledging and learning from the words and/or actions of individuals with autism are keys to developing relationships with them. It is important not only to accept individuals with autism as they are, but to know why they do what they do and act how they act. Learning an individual’s motivations can help us enter his/her world. Acceptance does not have to be a passive event, but a doorway to reciprocal understanding. As we learn from individuals with autism, we are given the opportunity to teach them to better understand their feelings and move beyond tolerance of their world to shared enjoyment.

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About Angela and Jaime

Angela Hart (Patterson), Singer/Songwriter
I feel fortunate to say that I have an amazing husband, wonderful family, genuine friends, and adore and respect each of them.  I have been involved with music since I can remember and hope to always have it in my life. I enjoy running, as I have completed multiple half and full marathons and plan on going until my legs will no longer let me.

As far as my career, I received my Bachelor's degree from Michigan State University and Master's degree from The Ohio State University. I am a speech-language pathologist, currently working for an autism program in a public school district. I have grown to love the challenges and rewards that come from working with individuals with autism and their families. In addition, I truly believe that I am blessed to have relationships with each of the students I work with and appreciate that they teach me more and more about autism every day.
                                                            ~Angela Patterson, M.A., CCC-SLP

Jaime Sinutko, Producer
Thank you for this opportunity to introduce.  I am the proud mother of two young and active boys. My husband is a dedicated police officer and firefighter.  I have a love of dogs, nature, and baking.  I have been an emergency RN for the past ten years and enjoy the variety and pace that specialty demands. Oakland University has been the home to my academic growth.  I am currently enrolled in PhD course work in the field of educational leadership.  My career advanced while employed by OU and I was blessed to educate future nurses as well as manage various projects for the School of Nursing. Currently, I am the Director of the School of Nursing at Rochester College.  I am enjoying the challenges of a “start-up” but thriving in the Christian atmosphere.
                                                  ~ Jaime Sinutko RN, MSN Ed.

Thank you for taking the time to view our blog, listen to our song and hear our message.