About Shades of Gray

The lyrics for “Shades of Gray” were written to promote understanding of the complex characteristics involved with the diagnosis of autism and also to recognize our obligation to develop an active role in the lives of individuals with autism. Acknowledging and learning from the words and/or actions of individuals with autism are keys to developing relationships with them. It is important not only to accept individuals with autism as they are, but to know why they do what they do and act how they act. Learning an individual’s motivations can help us enter his/her world. Acceptance does not have to be a passive event, but a doorway to reciprocal understanding. As we learn from individuals with autism, we are given the opportunity to teach them to better understand their feelings and move beyond tolerance of their world to shared enjoyment.

DVD Preview

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


As the blog concept is still new to me, I apologize for technical difficulties and the delay in creating a new post.

Below is a link to an interesting web site which promotes the exposure of individuals with autism to high quality musical performances in welcoming environments. Although listed concerts are currently held only in locations near the northeast coast of the U.S., L.A. and Houston, it seems that the more people are aware of the site, the more demand might be created for an increased number of locations.

From what I have observed, individuals with autism experience many positive responses while involved with music. Examples include the following: heightened awareness to movements and actions accompanying the music, increased attention to words/rhythms/inflections associated with the given music and outward joy. I can't say whether the joy could be due to the predictability of music as it resolves at the ends of verses, to emotions awakened in the brain, or neither of these options. In any case, music is often cited as an interest of individuals with autism. And, why not use what interests individuals with autism to encourage growth of relationships and learning? :)


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