About Shades of Gray

The lyrics for “Shades of Gray” were written to promote understanding of the complex characteristics involved with the diagnosis of autism and also to recognize our obligation to develop an active role in the lives of individuals with autism. Acknowledging and learning from the words and/or actions of individuals with autism are keys to developing relationships with them. It is important not only to accept individuals with autism as they are, but to know why they do what they do and act how they act. Learning an individual’s motivations can help us enter his/her world. Acceptance does not have to be a passive event, but a doorway to reciprocal understanding. As we learn from individuals with autism, we are given the opportunity to teach them to better understand their feelings and move beyond tolerance of their world to shared enjoyment.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Site Launch

As this is the first "Shades of Gray" blog post, I would like to say, "thank you" for visiting my blog. Once a week, I will post links to informative articles about autism as well as a "thought of the week."

I hope all of those who visit are encouraged to learn more about making a difference in the life of someone with autism.

Thought of the Week:
It is amazing how much progress a child with autism can make when surrounded by those who care about his/her success.

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